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Dr Gupta Emphasizes

Tantric Practice of Dr. Gupta emphasizes on:

Aakarshan : The meaning is “To Attract” , Mohan : The meaning is “To Charm”, Sam -Mohan : The meaning is “To Mesmerize”. These three Tantric Kriyas are use in developing Harmony in relationship, marriage, job, business, improving Sales and Acting performance, election, competition, etc.

Vashikaran: To bring someone in their own influence. This Kriya could also be used for the above mentioned cause.

Uchchattan: Literally means to uproot the circumstance (negative), enemy, bad luck or disease, etc.

Vichcheda: To create separation. This is implied if your child/spouse or relative is in a bad company.

Maran : Literally means to kill. Again is used to kill Bad luck, Evil Eye or disease, etc.

When an individual fails to get any result from their daily practice and through Gem Stones, etc. Then these Kriyas are performed to help the individual.

With us you have the opportunity to explore all about Tantra, sound healing, Tantric Sensual massage, Kundalini healing meditation, Ayurvedic massage, Vedic astrology, Agni Homa and more. Check our other pages for informative, inspirational, life improvement resources

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Dr Gupta offers you information on spiritual living, and invites you to participate in his community.

Our aim is to support the complete integration of body, mind and soul. We seek to contribute to the growth of humanity through the information available. We believe that we all have the power to make a difference to Mother Earth and Humanity by expanding our awareness.

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Dr. Gupta was the official Jyotishi/Psychic @
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held on the beautiful island of Barbados from the 27th – 29th of June 2008


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Dr Sunit K Gupta is available for readings, healings, consultations